Take a look at the video to the left for an insight into the benefits of our member exclusive behavioural analysis tool.

Self Awareness

Self Awareness is key to maintaining good relationships and mental health. Use our tool to be understand yourself and others.


Not everybody thinks and acts the same way. This can be frustrating and limiting. Use our tool to understand the different communication styles and improve your personal and work relationships.

Performance and Teamwork

Use our tool to identify strengths and weaknesses within yourself and your team. Learn how best to assign tasks and roles according to behavioural traits.

This tool identifies your dominant behavioural and communication style so that you can better understand yourself and those around you. The tool uses tried and tested psychological methods to make a behavioural analysis assessment. Our goal is to help you to identify your psychological preferences which drive your behaviour. Helping you to be more self aware also increases your awareness that others may act and behave differently and through good communication can improve your relationships. 

About 80% of people have a combination of two colour behaviours. This tool identifies your most dominant. 

We have traits from all four colours.

No colour is better than any other.